IT Insights





Bad news: Cyber criminals have yet another new phishing scam up their sleeves and it could be the most dangerous one yet. They’re using genuine subdomains that have been abandoned. We tell you how to stay safe....

Is upgrading to Wi-Fi 7 the right investment for your business? We look at the pros and cons of the next-gen wireless connection....

Windows PCs running slowly? It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to replace them. There are some other ways you can give things a boost. We’ll tell you how....

How many different apps and chat services are your employees juggling every day? Chances are, it’s making your business less productive. Good news: There’s a simple solution. We have the details....

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but what happens when it’s a young pup that needs training? New research on people under 40 has revealed a scary attitude towards cyber security. We tell you more here....

Microsoft is working hard to lead the AI revolution and its latest update to Teams will certainly make it a front-runner. We think the potential is unlimited, here we’ll tell you why....

This latest stat we learned about phishing websites really surprised us. And it comes with good news about an enhanced way to protect your business. We give you all the details...

How many times have you opened WordPad in Windows when you meant to open Notepad? It looks like that problem will soon be gone for good. We explain why....

Cyber criminals are using images embedded into emails. We’ll tell you how to protect your business from these new phishing scams....

Airports, hotels, cafés, even shopping centres, offer public charging points where you can boost your phone or laptop battery on the go. They’ve been in the news after the FBI recently tweeted advice to stop using them. Crooks have figured out how to hijack USB ports to install malware and monitoring software onto devices as they charge. The security risk … Read More...

Apple has revealed what it believes are the best security keys to add an extra layer of protection to your digital world. The recent release of iOS 16.3 saw Apple add security key compatibility......

As computer scientists tackle a greater range of problems, their work has grown increasingly interdisciplinary. This year, many of the most significant computer science results also involved other scientists and......

In these modern times technology is a very prevalent part of everyday life for most people. It is commonly used for making people’s lives run as efficiently as possible. It......

The question above can be difficult to answer.  How do you accurately assess the performance of an IT support provider beyond SLA commitments and response and resolution targets?  What should......

The right tools can make all the difference in your teams productivity. The use of technology makes remote work possible, and we rely on various tools to help us communicate,......

As we mentioned in the previous article, the world is constantly evolving – these changes have allowed for our levels of communication, collaboration, and productivity to reach levels which were......

The world is constantly evolving, but telephony is a sector of tech that hasn’t changed much over the years in comparison to others. However, there is now a wholesale change......

ADVANCING COMMUNICATIONS VoIP Case Study Apogee Solutions Required: > An audit of their equipment > Trust in using a cloud-hosted 3CX platform for communications Location: Basingstoke, Hampshire Year: 2022 The......

Microsoft delays Office 365 price rise once again First substantial price increase since Office 365’s launch has been postponed Microsoft has once again delayed its planned price increase of both......

Everything new in Teams in February   We’ve just entered the first day of March which means it’s time to go back and look at everything that’s changed in Microsoft......

The modern age that we are living in is truly revolutionary, now that technology has taken over both our home and work lives more than anyone could have anticipated a......

Almost every business in the world relies on some form of IT for vital business functions. This reliance is only going to grow as time goes on, so it is......

In the previous article we highlighted that most businesses made a transition to Cloud computing at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic – unfortunately for most that transition was rushed.......

Technology saturates our lives in the modern world. Due to the power it has, workplaces across the globe are far quieter than they once were – remote working is now......

How to get the latest Microsoft Teams updates Microsoft Teams has been on quite the journey over the last two years. Even in Microsoft’s wildest dreams, it could never have......

 Welcome to this important video series about how to keep your organisation’s data safe.   In this first video, we show you how easy it is for hackers to break into......

Microsoft Teams is getting a great free upgrade Microsoft Loop components are beginning to now roll out to Microsoft 365 commercial customers using Microsoft Teams. The new Loop components feature......

Communication in the modern world is unrecognisable to what it was a mere decade ago. Businesses have recently been forced to adapt the way they work just to continue trading......

Cyber Security and Your Organisation   The modern world is a technical one, with the world of work relying almost entirely on technology to operate at a level at which......